"Dear Melissa" Answers are Live

Listen to the first round of “Dear Melissa” answers here, and hear some exciting news!

Back in October, we asked our community if they had any product questions for Melissa, and we received an overwhelming amount of thoughtful, complex questions. So, drumroll please…

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Guest User
Professional Development During the Pandemic: Fact or Fiction?

For me, it always felt like there was never enough time in the day to focus beyond work, family, friends, etc. before the pandemic. Any window of potential free time was filled with commuting, face to face lunches, IRL standups and sprint planning. But now, many product managers are finding a silver lining in the days of Covid- there’s actually MORE opportunity to pursue professional development.

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Get the Most Out of Distributed Teams with these Tricks and Tips

When news of the novel coronavirus started spreading as fast as well a virus, many businesses were not prepared to run with distributed or remote teams. But they didn’t have a choice. Though many successful companies are full distributed (Invision) and most big companies have offices around the globe, this shift was sudden and shocking. Some organizations stepped up to these challenges and others had a few blunders but figured it out in the end.

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Tami Reiss
The Power of Leading with Humility: An Interview with Brian Bhuta, CPO of Signify Health

Brian Bhuta, CPO at Signify Health, has a knack for getting the toughest critics on his side. We’ve watched firsthand as he’s joined organizations and come up against tons of intense resistance. Then, within a month, not only has he accomplished what he needed to get done, but he’s made friends along the way. He uses this superpower to transform teams into product management machines.

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Melissa Perri
Why Product Leaders Need Product Operations

As a leader in product, you have likely come across situations in which your hunches or intuition weren’t enough to guide your team or company forward. Whether its due to pushback from other stakeholders, increasing competitive pressures, or a changing technology landscape - high growth tech companies require us to constantly be collecting data and insights around our product, our market, and problem-solution fit.

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Onboarding in the Age of COVID-19

Remote onboarding completely changes your first month experience. You have no natural way to meet coworkers. There are no first week outings or get-to-know-you coffee chats. Most of your video call interactions are with your direct superior. While all of this makes it particularly nerve-wracking to start a new job virtually, I promise there are also wonderful aspects about your situation.

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ProductGuest User
What it takes to be a CPO

So what does it take to become a CPO?

Let’s start by exploring what a CPO does. Though this varies in each organization, the role centers on setting and leading the company’s product strategy. As a C-level position, the person who holds it should have authority to make decisions. They should be viewed as a partner for the CEO to execute on their grander vision for the company.

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16 Product Strategies for Growth

As a product leader, you have the responsibility to plan strategically for your company to grow its customer base and revenue. Thanks to years of other people growing companies, there are standard playbooks for how to accelerate your company’s trajectory. Simply because they are standard doesn’t mean that you can’t execute them in your own special snowflake way, but it’s relatively hard to reinvent the wheel.

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Adapt or Die

I started consulting in 2014. It was supposed to be temporary, a way to pay the bills as I figured out which company I wanted to join next as a VP of Product. As I got more and more calls from ex-colleagues and those who saw my talks, I started to consider consulting…

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