Episode 5: Don't Just Tick the Boxes, A Conversation with Kate Leto

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Kate Leto is an organisational design consultant, coach and product advisor with a 25 year track record helping to build product teams that thrive. She joins Melissa Perri to talk about some of the challenges in filling product management roles that companies run into all the time, and how to overcome them. Ultimately, Kate believes that a growth mindset—both of leadership teams and product managers themselves—is what makes the difference between success and failure. 

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Here are some key points from Melissa and Kate’s conversation:

  • There are two high level motivations for hiring a product manager. This first is because it ticks a box, the second because you need to make meaningful change. [Listen at 04:45]

  • How Kate has learned to hire great product managers, and strategies for doing so that she helps her clients implement. [Listen at 07:30]

  • The role of emotional intelligence in product management and organizational design, and the key trait that indicates someone will be successful. (Listen from 12:00]

  • The Story of Pete, the team member we’ve all worked with who is technically excellent, but not so strong on the human skills. [Listen at 14:45]

  • How to identify and call out the specific issues when you get the feeling that something is off during the interview process. [Listen from 22:30]

  • What is the mindset you need for success, and what happens when someone doesn’t have it. [Listen from 28:00]

  • ·Kate and Melissa talk about how to get out of the trap of hiring the same person over and over again, which contributes to the larger diversity problem plaguing organizations in tech and other industries. [Listen from 29:40]

  • Hiring for senior and director level positions, and making  sure you’re attracting a diverse array of applicants. [Listen from 43:45]


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